“Everything To Play For: How Videogames Are Changing the World”
(Lithuanian Translation here, 6 more languages coming up!)
Upcoming Event List
19/9 - Book Launch at the British Library
29/9 - Brighton: Cowley Club
4/10 - Copenhagen: Danish Society for Marxist Studies 9th Annual Conference
6/10 - London: Sunday Papers Live Festival
10/10 - Bristol: East Bristol Books
11/10 - London: Freedom Bookshop
12/10 - London: London Anarchist Bookfair
13/11 - London: Conway Hall
23/11 - Oslo, Office for Contemporary Art
22/2 - Kaunas: GODO Bar
28/2-1/3 - Vilnius: Baltics Book Fair
4/3 - Kaunas: Ažuolynas Library
5/3 - Vilnius: Vrublevskių Library
26/3 - Vienna: University of Applied Arts Vienna
8/4 - New York City: Seton Hall University
25/4 - Liverpool: FACT Art Plays Games symposium
5/6 - London: Connect UK Event
7-10/8 - Buenos Aires: Feria de Editores
7-9/10 - Barcelona: GAIA

Featured in WIRED Magazine

Interviewed by German radio Detektor.fm

Gaming During COVID-19? Show Game Makers Some Love!

Unions, Comms Strategies, Political Games

Games Industry Urgently Needed A Trade Union, Meet The People That Made One

Antifascism & Gaming: Pwning The Nazis

Game Workers Unite Branch of the Independent Workers Union of Great Britain is Born!

Communism? Marxism? Workers' Rights!

Video Games Industry Workers Get Organised

Internationale Branchen - GewerkschaftSpiele - Entwickler aller Länder, vereinigt Euch!

Why Unionise Indies? Panel Discussion at Indiecade Europe 2018

Interviewed by Stadtrevue

The Games Industry Needs Unions - And These Are The People Trying To Make It Happen

ArenaNet Scandal: 4 Lessons

Hornsey & Wood Green Young Labour Panel on Precarious Work

Game Workers Unite Is Born: Boss Nerf Incoming

Interviewed by Fully-Automated Luxury Communism Newsletter

Game Workers Unite And Fight

Sustainability: Garms Vs Games