“Everything To Play For: How Videogames Are Changing the World”
(Lithuanian Translation here, 6 more languages coming up!)
Upcoming Event List
19/9 - Book Launch at the British Library
29/9 - Brighton: Cowley Club
4/10 - Copenhagen: Danish Society for Marxist Studies 9th Annual Conference
6/10 - London: Sunday Papers Live Festival
10/10 - Bristol: East Bristol Books
11/10 - London: Freedom Bookshop
12/10 - London: London Anarchist Bookfair
13/11 - London: Conway Hall
23/11 - Oslo, Office for Contemporary Art
22/2 - Kaunas: GODO Bar
28/2-1/3 - Vilnius: Baltics Book Fair
4/3 - Kaunas: Ažuolynas Library
5/3 - Vilnius: Vrublevskių Library
26/3 - Vienna: University of Applied Arts Vienna
8/4 - New York City: Seton Hall University
10/4 - New York City: Topos Too Bookshop
14/4 - Zurich: University of Zurich (remote)
18/4 - Vilnius: MO Contemporary Art Museum
25/4 - Liverpool: FACT Art Plays Games symposium
5/6 - London: Connect UK Event
7-10/8 - Buenos Aires: Feria de Editores
7-9/10 - Barcelona: GAIA

Participated in Book Launch for 'Speculative Communities'

Extended conversation on videogames and society on PixelPolitics

Interviewed by GI.biz about online abuse

Presentation for Spilbar - Interactive Denmark in Copenhagen

Talk on Games & Politics for Ministry of Culture of Lithuania

Talk at Pixels & Prosecco: 'Gaming Communities - Fears & Hopes'

Tech Platforms: Democratise, Nationalise, Replace?

Game Workers Unite - One Year On

So You're a Parent of a Teenage gamer? 3 Tips On How to Deal w/ That!

Antifascism & Gaming: Pwning The Nazis

Cultural Hegemony: How To Be A Conscious Producer In Esports?

Communism? Marxism? Workers' Rights!

Politics in Gaming Communities, Liberal Failures, Workers' Rights

Antifascism, Video Games and Cultural Hegemony

Video Games Industry Workers Get Organised

Corporate Feminism, Games & Tech industries, The Alt-right

The Dark, Ironic, Surreal Games of Central and Eastern Europe

Internationale Branchen - GewerkschaftSpiele - Entwickler aller Länder, vereinigt Euch!

Interviewed by Stadtrevue